
Monday, June 25, 2012

My bookworm......

Step one of our bedtime routine.....Read Read Read!!!

Julia reads to Max......

She reads to herself.......

And she reads to friends.....

Monday, June 18, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl......

 To all the dad's out there....Happy Father's Day!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rub a Dub Dub....

Bathtime always makes Julia happy......which in turn, makes mommy happy!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Grilled Salmon with a hint of Lemon.....

There is nothing like coming home from work on a Monday afternoon and firing up the grill!  It makes you feel like the weekend is still lingering around....and that makes me smile!

mmm...the smell of charcoal makes me happy!!!

 The smell of mesquite woodchips makes me even happier.....

So what's on our menu tonight??  Fresh Salmon Filets grilled over lemon slices.....can you say YUM!  Go ahead.....season up those filets, and slice up your lemons.....

Start placing your lemons across the piping hot grill....

Keep need enough to cover each peice of fish!

Place each salmon filet on top of the lemons.....

There is no need to flip these bad boys....just let them do their thing!!

Right before you pull them off the grill, squeeze a fresh lemon on top!!  (ignore all of the other food on our grill....we like to cook for a week at a time!!) 

This will be the best Salmon you have ever have my word!! 

Friday, June 1, 2012


Even at the age of 2 friendships are developing.  Playing in the sand, sharing hugs, being silly....that's what it is all about!!  Girls will be girls.....