
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moments that make me SMILE......

Eating ice cream at the park on Sunday afternoons.....

Scribbling with sidewalk chalk.......

Push-ups with Daddy K......

Having no fear whatsoever.....

Flip Flops and Baby Dolls.......

Eyes that I will forever be jealous of......

The way Julia communicates......

The cheek to cheek squeeze.......

ummm....Excuse me little boy.....are you proposing to my ONE YEAR OLD???......

The Max Update........

Day 2 with the collar...Max is thinking, "seriously!!...and how long do you expect me to wear this thing....???

Max with his Granny Knee-Highs on.....(go ahead and laugh)  We had no other choice....he seemed to find a way around the collar to lick.....Who knew beyond all that hair he has tiny little chicken legs!!

We are happy to say that today is his first day without the collar....and with lots of hugs from Julia, he feels much much better!!  


  1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! And, shut the front door... how completely, blow my socks off, gorgeous is your little girl!!! I tell ya what, those blonde haired blue-eyed girls are just too stinking cute ;)

  2. Looks like a perfect "little things" list to me!!! Good to see you over at squeezing it all in ... hope I see you again soon!

  3. sweet little babies!! Hope Max is feeling better - with all those hugs from that little angel, he should be all better in no time :) Jessica, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a friendly and kind comment - makes my day!!

  4. Oooohhh my gosh!! How adorable is your daughter!! and your dog? ekkk love! And you look like a proud beautiful Momma!

    XO Lindsay

  5. gosh those are eyes i would forever be jealous of also!!! your baby girl is beautiful!! thanks for stopping by my blog!

    kara @ the big green blog

  6. If I were drinking milk, it would have been out of my nose when I saw the dog with the collar and Granny socks! too funny!!! I have a half shitzhu, 1/2 bischon, and we just cut his hair. It looks like he lost half of his body weight! Too funny! BTW- love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine :) I am now a follower.

  7. I had to jump on here to tell yuo that my daughter and I were out for a bike ride last night, and we drove past a house that had two dogs exactly like yours. I started laughing when I saw them, and it's a good thing they are dogs. If they were people, they may have been offended! Lol! I couldn't get the head cone/knee sock picture out of my mind as they sat and stared at me driving by!
