
Friday, August 19, 2011

It's that Time.....

I'm sick of buying this.....

Therefore, we have been practicing on this....

Now it's time to take it a step we are attempting this.....

If the Internet says it's guaranteed then it MUST be true right?? haha.....Well....I'll let you know come Monday!

I am open to any tips you may have!!! 


  1. Absolutely precious girl! Boy, do I remember those days, and your sentiments (about buying diapers) exactly. If she has friends, cousins, etc. that are all potty trained, encourage her to watch what they do. And try not to stress yourself out - our children know when we are stressed before we do. If she gets stressed, it may take longer. Hoping you have a successful weekend!!

  2. Thanks for posting on my blog!!!
    Yes, would be very interested in your results with the 3 day potty training. I've been "training" for the last 2-3 months w/my 2.5 yo.... :)

    btw, your daughter's eyes are absolutely amazing in your blog header picture!

    Ellen :)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! :)
    I would love to hear how your potty training goes! My third is almost potty training ready and honestly I feel like I forgot how to do it. It's been 4 years since I last potty trained, and I feel like everything is new with this little guy! Looking forward to hearing about your adventured!

    All the best!

  4. I am excited to see what the results are. I have at 2 1/2 year old and I am at that point where I don't want to change diapers anymore.

  5. i can't wait to hear how it goes! when you get done with yours come do E. lol!

  6. Oooh good luck!! Hope it went well! :) I was just stopping by to let you know that I nominated you for a versatile blogger award in my latest post at

